
By F. Hatlod. East Tennessee State University.

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Aristotle’s negative definition of sleep does not generic prednisone 20 mg on-line best allergy medicine for 7 year old, however prednisone 5 mg with visa allergy symptoms skin rash, imply a negative evaluation of this ‘affection’ (pathos). Sleep is a good thing and serves a purpose, for it provides rest (anapausis) to the sense-organs, which would otherwise become overstretched, since they are unable to be active without interruption (454 a 27, 455 b 18ff. Here, again, one may note a difference compared with thinking; for one of the differences between perception and thinking, according to Aristotle, is that perception cannot go on forever, indeed if we overstretch our sense-organs, we damage them; thinking, on 19 For a discussion of Aristotle’s physiological explanation of sleep see Wiesner (1978). Aristotle on sleep and dreams 177 the other hand, does not know fatigue and the harder we exercise our intellectual faculty, the better it functions. Sleep, he argues in chapter 1 of On Sleep and Waking, is the opposite of waking; and since waking consists in the exercise of the sensitive faculty, sleep must be the inactivity of this faculty. In fact, sleep is nothing but a state of what Aristotle elsewhere calls ‘first entelechy’,23 a state of having a faculty without using it, which may be beneficial in order to provide rest to the bodily parts involved in its exercise. Furthermore, Aristotle is characteristically keen to specify that sleep is a particular kind of incapacitation of the sense faculty as distinct from other kinds of incapacitation, such as faint and epileptic seizure (456 b 9–16). He also applies his explanatory model of the four causes (which he reminds us of in 455 b 14–16) to the phenomenon of sleep, listing its formal, final, material and efficient causes, and leading up to two com- plementary definitions stating the material and the formal cause of sleep: the upward movement of the solid part of nutriment caused by innate heat, and its subsequent condensation and return to the primary sense organ. And the definition of sleep is that it is a seizure of the primary sense organ which prevents it from being activated, and which is necessary for the preservation of the living being; for a living being cannot continue to exist without the presence of those things that contribute to its perfection; and rest (anapausis) secures preservation (soteria¯ ¯ ). It is true that, in the course of his argument, Aristotle occasionally refers to empirical observations, or at least he makes a number of empirical claims, which can be listed as follows: 1. Nutrition and growth are more active in sleep than in the waking state (455 a 1–2). Some people move and perform various activities in sleep, and some of these people remember their dreams, though they fail to remember the ‘waking’ acts they perform in sleep (456 a 25). Words are spoken by people who are in a state of trance and seemingly dead (456 b 16). People with inconspicuous veins, dwarfish people, and people with big heads are inclined to much sleep (457 a 20). People with marked veins do not sleep much; nor do melancholics, who in spite of eating much remain slight (457 a 26). Yet while some of these claims are interesting as testifying either to Aristotle’s own observational capacities or to his considerable knowledge of medico- physiological views on sleeping, as a whole they can hardly be regarded as impressive for their wide range or systematicity; and in the argument, most of these empirical claims have at best only a marginal relevance to the topic of sleep. They are mentioned only in passing, and none are presented by Aristotle as guiding the investigation inductively to a general theory or as playing a decisive role in settling potentially controversial issues. Nor does Aristotle explain how observations that seem to be in conflict with the theoretical views he has expounded can nevertheless be accommodated within that theory. Thus, in spite of his definition of sleep as the absence of sensation, Aristotle on several occasions acknowledges that various things may occur to us while we are in a state of sleep. This is obviously relevant for the discussion of dreams and divination in sleep that follows after On Sleep and Waking; but already in On Sleep and Waking we find certain anticipations of this idea, for example in 456 a 25–9, where he acknowledges that people may perform waking acts while asleep on the basis of an ‘image or sensation’ (nos. And on two occasions, the wording of On Sleep and Waking seems to open the door to sensations of some kind experienced in sleep: ‘Activity of sense perception in the strict and unqualified sense (kurios¯ kai haplos¯ ) is impossible while asleep’ (454 b 13–14), and ‘we have said that sleep is in some way (tropon tina) the immobilisation of sense perception’ (454 b 26). These specifications suggest that more may be at stake than just an unqualified absence of sensation. Yet how the phenomena Aristotle on sleep and dreams 179 referred to are to be explained within the overall theory, he does not make clear. This absence of a teleological explanation of dreams is significant, and I shall come back to it at the end of this chapter. In On Dreams,asinOn Sleep and Waking, Aristotle again begins by stating rather bluntly that dreams cannot be an activity of the sense faculty, since there is no sense-perception in sleep (458 b 5–10). However, in the course of the argument he recognises that the fact that sense-perception cannot be activated (energein) does not mean that it is incapable of being ‘affected’ (paschein): rì oÔn t¼ m•n mŸ ¾rŽn mhd•n ˆlhq”v, t¼ d• mhd•n p†scein tŸn a­sqhsin oÉk ˆlhq”v, ˆllì –nd”cetai kaª tŸn Àyin p†scein ti kaª t‡v Šllav a«sqžseiv, ™kaston d• toÅtwn ãsper –grhgor»tov prosb†llei m”n pwv t¦€ a«sqžsei, oÉc oÌtw d• ãsper –grhgor»tová kaª Âte m•n ¡ d»xa l”gei Âti yeÓdov, ãsper –grhgor»sin, Âte d• kat”cetai kaª ˆkolouqe± tä€ fant†smati. He goes on to say that dreams are the result of ‘imagination’ (phantasia), a faculty closely associated with, but not identical to sense perception. This time, though, Aristotle presents his account much more emphatically as being 180 Aristotle and his school built on observation of ‘the facts surrounding sleep’ (459 a 24), and his claims are backed up by a much more considerable amount of empirical evidence: 1. During sleep, we often have thoughts accompanying the dream-images (458 b 13–15); this appears most clearly when we try to remember our dreams imme- diately after awakening (458 b 18–23).

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However cheap 10 mg prednisone with mastercard allergy testing indianapolis, in the asplenic patient purchase prednisone 40mg online allergy forecast boise, a dog bite can lead to rapid overwhelming sepsis as a result of Capnocytophaga canimorsus bacteremia. These patients should be followed closely and given third-generation cephalosporins early in the course of infection. Empirical therapy should also be considered for dog bites in the elderly, for deep bites, and for bites on the hand. The cutaneous lesions of bacillary angiomatosis are typically pain- less cutaneous lesions but may appear as subcutaneous nodules, ulcerated plaques, or verrucous growths. The differential diagnosis includes Kaposi’s sarcoma, pyogenic granuloma, and tumors. Biopsy findings are as described in this case, and the diagnosis is best made with histology. Oxacillin or vancomycin is the treatment for staphylococcal or strepto- coccal skin infections. In this case, evidence for subacute bacterial endocarditis includes valvular re- gurgitation, an aortic valve vegetation, and embolic phenomena on the extremities, spleen, and kidneys. In the absence of this, the two most common pathogens (both of which are technically diffi- cult to isolate in blood culture bottles) are Q fever, or Coxiella burnetii (typically associ- ated with close contact with livestock), and Bartonella. In this case, the patient’s homelessness and body louse infestation are clues for Bartonella quintana infection. Empirical therapy for culture-negative endocarditis usually includes ceftriaxone and gen- tamicin, with or without doxycycline. For confirmed Bartonella endocarditis, optimal therapy is gentamicin plus doxycycline. Therapy is standard topical treatment, although often a topical antifungal is added because of con- comitant infection with Pityrosporum. Herpes zoster reactivation is painful and dermato- mal, with progression of papules to vesicles to small pustules and then crusting. Molluscum contagiosum typically appears as one or many small pearly umbilicated asymptomatic papules occurring anywhere on the body. This patient should be referred to the emergency department for a thick and thin smear. If a smear can’t be performed and interpreted in an expeditious fashion, then empirical doxycycline and quinine should be started. Symptoms of malaria are nonspecific but in- clude fever, headache, abdominal pain, jaundice, myalgias, and mental status change. Metronidazole, either as an oral formulation or vaginal gel, is recom- mended for at least 7 days for primary infection and 10–14 days for recurrence. Intravag- inal clindamycin for this duration is also an option but has been associated with more anaerobic drug resistance. Treatment of male partners with metronidazole does not pre- vent recurrence of bacterial vaginosis. Although safer and more effective than quinine, artesunate is not available in the United States. Quinine causes fewer arrhythmias and hypotension with infusion than quinidine, but it is often not available in U. It is most com- monly employed as a prophylactic agent but is also used for treatment of multidrug- resistant malaria. Efforts to decrease transmission include screening and treatment of sexually associated infections. Up to 50% of women of reproductive age in developing countries have bacterial vaginosis. All of the bacterial infections are curable, and treatment can decrease the frequency of genital her- pes recurrences. This highlights an additional reason that primary care doctors should screen for each of these infections in female patients with detailed historic questions, genitourinary and rectal examinations, and evidence-based routine screening for these infections based on age and risk category. Illness is more frequent in the summer and fall in temperate climates, whereas other causes of viral meningitis are more common in winter and spring. Early, there may be a neutrophil predominance; however, this typically shifts toward lymphocyte predominance by 24 h. Mortality from Legionella pneu- monia varies from 0–11% in treated immunocompetent patients to ~30% if not treated effectively. Newer macrolides and quinolones are antibi- otics of choice and are effective as monotherapy.

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Another way of reclassification of human diseases will be subdivision of patient populations within the same disease group according to genetic biomarkers and response to medications. Many common diseases represent collections of different conditions each of which may have its own genetic cause. Advances in the diagnosis, treatment, and classification of human disease will depend on discovery of the function of each of the human genes. These genes will enable the sub-classification of diseases based on mechanism and clinical characteristics rather than symptoms alone. Taking into account the thousands of genes on each of the 23 chromosomes and the prediction that common diseases like diabetes and hypertension may be caused by three to one hundred different genes, this exciting process may well take several years of intense work by a global network of investigators working in universities and industry. This knowledge will revolutionize all aspects of medicine at the level of the patient and is relevant to the development of personalized medicine. An example of the changing attitude towards the molecular basis of disease is the genetic basis of migraine, anxiety, and depression. The practical implications of this new information are the potential new indications for the numerous compounds that modulate the dopaminergic system and that are being developed only as neuroleptics. Clinical trials for the potentially new indications can be optimized by genotype analysis of patients with migraine, depression, and anxiety disorders. Some variation in drug response may result from inadequate classifications of disease. For example, although two leukemias may appear identical morphologi- cally, they may have different molecular profiles and thus respond differently to drug treatments. Without the molecular classification, the leukemias appear identi- cal, and variation in response to the prescribed treatments would be highly unpre- dictable. More precise categorization of disease can potentially improve drug treatment by specifying which patients will respond to which treatments. Universal Free E-Book Store 32 1 Basic Aspects Translational Science and Personalized Medicine Translational science or medicine means applications of research findings for improving healthcare and is an important aspect of personalized medicine. It is defined as: • T1 or translational phase 1 begins the translation journey from bench to bedside to community. If T1-T3 were successful, the next step is to find the best method of reaching clinicians and patients with a nationwide policy concerning treatment X or strategy Y. Systems medicine approaches for the definition of com- plex phenotypes in chronic diseases and ageing. Multiple evidence strands suggest that there may be as few as 19000 human protein-coding genes. De novo designed proteins from a library of artificial sequences function in Escherichia coli and enable cell growth. Systems biology and emerging technologies will catalyze the transition from reactive medicine to predictive, personalized, preventive and participatory (P4) medicine. Progress with proteome projects: why all proteins expressed by genome should be identified and how to do it. Universal Free E-Book Store Chapter 2 Molecular Diagnostics in Personalized Medicine Introduction Molecular diagnostics, the use of diagnostic testing to understand the molecular mechanisms of an individual patient’s disease, will be pivotal in the delivery of safe and effective therapy for many diseases in the future. Diagnostics influence as much as 70 % of health care decision making, and a new generation of diagnostics tests that provide insights at the molecular level is delivering on the promise of personal- ized medicine. Role of molecular diagnostics in personalized medicine covers the following aspects: • Early detection and selection of appropriate treatment determined to be safe and effective on the basis of molecular diagnostics • Integration of molecular diagnostics with therapeutics • Monitoring therapy as well as determining prognosis In parallel with two important components of personalized medicine− pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics (compared in Table 5. In some cases the pattern or profile of the change rather than the individual biomarker is relevant to diagnosis. Molecular diagnostic technologies relevant to per- sonalized medicine are shown in Table 2.

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